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Volunteering Opportunities

We are proud as punch of teams working together to deliver great opportunities for residents. The Sustainability, Customer Contact, Income and Inclusion and Melin Works teams have been working on a volunteering project for residents for the last eight months.

Written by Fiona

14 Dec, 2016

Volunteering Opportunities

We are proud as punch of teams working together to deliver great opportunities for residents. The Sustainability, Customer Contact, Income and Inclusion and Melin Works teams have been working on a volunteering project for residents for the last eight months.

Residents have the chance to volunteer with Citizens Advice gaining invaluable skills, self-development, confidence and new opportunities. There are six roles with varying hours; Advisor, Caseworker Assistant, Digital Assistant, Media/Publicity Worker, Reception Worker and Volunteer Recruitment Worker. This is an amazing opportunity and something to suit everyone, we will even cover volunteers travel costs.

Citizens Advice provide confidential and impartial advice helping with big issues affecting people’s lives. They aim to help everyone find a way forward, whatever problem they face. There will be some great real life stories featured in the winter edition of Melin news, showing the real difference volunteering can make.

Find out more at our Citizens Advice form.

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