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Welfare Reform Update: Removal of Child Premium

The Family Premium is no longer included in Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction.

Written by Marcus

29 Nov, 2016

Before May 2016, if you claim Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction and you have children, you will receive a Family Premium of £17.45. But from May 2016 the Family Premium is no longer included in Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction.

What does this mean for me?

If you make a new claim for Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction you will not receive the Family Premium. If you have had a child or become responsible for a child after May 2016, you will not receive this premium even if you already claim Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction.

If you already claim Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction and receive the Family Premium, you will continue to receive it until you make a new claim for Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction or you are no longer responsible for any children.

The Money Advice Team

Our Money Advice team ask you not to let money troubles loom over you, they are here to talk and help in any way they can.

The team pride themselves on being friendly and approachable – they very much want you to know that ‘we don’t bite’. They aren’t there to judge, they are there to help with welfare reform changes, budgeting, benefits, grants and other financial support. All of the team are qualified money advisors and last year the team put over £1.4m back into residents pockets alone – give them an email on or call on 01495 745910.

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