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Welfare Reform Update: The GWRP Partnership

We have joined a partnership to minimise the impact of welfare reform.

Written by Marcus

13 Dec, 2016

Talk to us – we don't bite!

We have joined a partnership to minimise the impact of welfare reform. The Gwent Welfare Reform Partnership (GWRP) has been set up by eight housing associations and the five Local Authorities in Gwent. The partnership aims to highlight the impact of welfare reform in Gwent and help tenants deal better with the changes to benefits. The housing associations included in the partnership are United Welsh, Bron Afon Community Housing, Charter Housing, Linc-Cymru, Melin Homes, Monmouthshire Housing Association, Newport City Homes, and Tai Calon.

Reforms such as the bedroom tax, changes to Council Tax charges and benefit cuts, as well as Universal Credit and the Benefit Cap are affecting residents’ ability to manage and changing the way housing associations help their tenants. We ask our residents to get in touch with our Money Advice team, who are trained to help deal with welfare reform changes and put money back into residents’ pockets. Email

Call 01495 745910 to speak to the team.

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