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Wellbeing morning for staff

We were pleased as punch to be able to hold our first in-person Zest Fest health and wellbeing event for the first time since 2019… and what an event it was.

Written by Fiona

23 Mar, 2022

Some of the Melin staff smiling at the event
We take the health and wellbeing of our staff very seriously at Melin and value our dedicated initiative, Zest more than ever.

During the pandemic we moved all our Zesty perks for staff online but with restrictions a thing of the past (we hope it stays like that) we couldn’t wait to get back to a real-life event.

Our staff are gifted the time to attend a morning of all things wellbeing, hosted by our partners at Pontypool Active Living Centre.

Melin staff member sat around a table, smiling
Some of our staff enjoying crafty activities

Staff are welcomed with a breakfast and a chance to reconnect and chat, whilst visiting one of the many stall holders; nutrition advice, Prostate Cymru, Re:Make Newport, Training in Mind and more.

During the morning staff could take part in arts and craft activities, which are great for the mind and switching off from the day-to-day stresses of life. We had people making a mug cosy, a felt chick and wire flowers.

One Melin staff throwing a rugby ball and a separate image of two Melin staff laughing
There were some sporty activities too

If staff fancied something a little more active our partners from Newport County and Dragons Rugby provided fun challenges throughout the morning. There were taster exercise classes provided by Torfaen Leisure Trust including: Pilates, spin and go tough. Badminton, table tennis and squash proved very popular with our staff.

Our Relaxation Zone provided mini-health checks, massages and reflexology as well as full use of the spa facilities. It certainly was a fun packed morning, and we can’t wait to do it all again next year.

A male Melin staff member celebrating while playing table tennis
Table tennis is always popular!

If Melin sounds like the type of organisation you would love to work for, making a real difference to the lives of our residents and the communities we serve, then have a look at our recruitment website, you can sign up to be notified when positions become available.

A group of female Melin staff sat on a bouncy castle with their hands in the air, smiling
The girls show even grown-ups can enjoy a bouncy castle

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