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We’re open later!

We are open later every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. So if you find it hard to get in touch during normal office hours you can now catch us until 7pm on these days.

Written by Valentino

08 Feb, 2017

Do you find it hard to get in touch during office hours?
Our Customer Contact Team have extended their working day on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month, to stay open until 7pm. On these days you will be able to find us on social media (Facebook and Twitter) as well as on live chat here on our website. You can use all of these channels to report repairs, ask us any questions about your tenancy, or get advice on a range of topics from money to energy. We will also be answering calls so if you want to have a chat with one of the team you can call us on 01495 745910.

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