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World Mental Health Day

October 10th is World Mental Health Day and the theme this year is ‘Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority’. Mental health problems exist in our lives, our friends and families’ lives, our communities and our workplaces, they impact all of us, however we can all play a part in preventing mental ill health.

Written by Sam

10 Oct, 2022

Illustrated logo of a happy globe for World Mental Health Day 2022

Melin has joined Welsh Government’s movement to end the stigma around mental health problems by signing up to the Time To Change Wales initiative.

Signing the pledge isn’t a throw away signature from us, it has shaped our policies and processes and has led to initiatives which have had a positive impact for our staff.

In this video you will see how, since signing the pledge in 2014, we have acknowledged that we can have a positive impact on our staff, and the services they provide our residents, by making a focus on mental well-being something that is part of our DNA. Staff know that it is ok, not to be ok, but more than that, they feel safe to say so, and they know that there are resources available to them which may help.

Watch the video

For help and support the Time to Change Wales website has several useful resources - Resources | Time to Change Wales

If you or someone you know needs help with their mental health, support is available. Here is a list of agencies and organizations in the area who may be able to help;

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