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Young litter-pickers unveil new bin on Cwmbran estate

On Tuesday 31 August, we were proud to team up with the young people of Clos Cae Nant in Cwmbran in unveiling a brand new dinosaur-themed rubbish bin for the local playground. The unveiling was accompanied by a fun day for the local children, featuring a bouncy castle, games and prizes.

Written by Will

01 Sept, 2021

A group of young people at Clos Cae Nant

Over twenty children were in attendance, with lots of parents, grandparents and other relations joining in the fun. Our Communities Team had a great time connecting with members of the community and they were joined by Natalie Wood, Chair of Melin’s resident group, 100 Voices.

Speaking to the adults in attendance, it was clear that this was a very special community, who take huge pride in their local environment. The new bin was requested by residents as the children would often tidy up the park and needed a place to dispose of the rubbish they collect. There were some very creative names suggested for the new bin, one of our favourites being Tyrannosaurus Trash!

James and his granddad Billy
James and his granddad Billy

Foremost among those taking pride in their neighbourhood was youngster James. James’ granddad Billy told Melin staff all about how he goes litter-picking and takes enormous pride in keeping Clos Cae Nant tidy. To help James with his future endeavours, the Communities Team provided him with a litter picker and a carry-ring for his binbag, to make tidying all the easier. We want to pay tribute to James for the extraordinary effort he makes to show pride in his street.

Caroline Morgan, Melin's Communities Manager said: “We were so pleased to see so many Clos Cae Nant residents in attendance for the engagement session. It was fantastic to hear just how excited the local children were to have the new bin installed and we had a great couple of hours in the park with our bouncy castle and garden games.

The pride that the people take in their community at Close Cae Nant was really inspirational and it is so positive to hear good news stories from residents like James and Billy.

Caroline Morgan, Community Manager — Melin Homes

“It is always really pleasing when we can engage directly with a community and help fulfil a request from local residents to improve their local environment so please get in touch if you have ideas to improve your local community.”

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