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Welsh Assembly Elections

Are you ready for the National Assembly for Wales and Police and Crime Commissioner elections on the 5th May? If you want to vote, download your voter information booklet here.

Written by Valentino

05 Apr, 2016

Your vote matters

The next election to the National Assembly for Wales will be on Thursday 5 May 2016, and in order to vote you will need to be registered with your local electoral office. This is really easy to do and only takes a few minutes, just go to the Register to Vote website to fill in your details.

So what are you voting for? Well, the National Assembly for Wales represents the people of Wales and passes laws on devolved matters, and you have the power to vote for who you want to represent you in these big decisions. Local authorities publish the names of candidates who are standing in an election around three weeks before polling day, so keep an eye on your local authority website or in the local news to find out who is standing in your area. If you want to know more about the Welsh Assembly and voting, you can see all the information you need here, or you can download your voter information booklet here.

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