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Local Police Officer working with our Community Safety Team

A local Police Officer recently visited our offices to get a better understanding of how some of our teams work.

Written by Marcus

08 Dec, 2016

The ASB team

A local Police Officer recently visited our offices to get a better understanding of how some of our teams work. PC Jo Skinner visited the Community Safety Team last week. Whilst the team already work closely with the Police, PC Skinner was able to see how much work goes into each individual case and how crucial information from the Police can be in a resolving a case. PC Skinner said “I really enjoyed the chance to see what the team do day to day, especially going out on visits and seeing all the work that goes into a case that is being prepared for court.”

The team has opened 138 new cases over the last three months, with the top three issues being noise nuisance, verbal abuse and drug related issues.

How to report anti-social behaviour with us

We take a firm but fair stance in incidents of serious anti-social behaviour and we will give you support to deal with any neighbourhood dispute before it gets worse.

You can report anti-social behaviour to us in the following ways:

  • Fill in the form to the right of this page (choose the 'Report anti-social behaviour' option from the drop down);
  • Use the chat facility at the bottom of this page;
  • Email us at
  • Call us on 01495 745910

Please visit our ASB page for more information.

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