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Would you like to join our Residents’ Panel?

We are looking for candidates to stand for election to the Residents’ Panel.

Written by Valentino

19 Jul, 2016

Residents’ Panel
We are looking for candidates to stand for election to the Residents’ Panel. If this sounds appealing, you can register your interest via Facebook, email, phone or in writing (see our contact details on the home page). Everyone who has expressed an interest will be sent a Registration of Interest application. Please complete it and return to us by 29th July. If more than 10 residents express an interest, an election will be held. The results of this election will be announced at the Panel AGM on 28th September.
You could also be part of the following groups;
Customer Service Group – meet with Melin staff regularly to discuss how to improve our services to you.
Disability Group – representing our disabled residents.
Youth Forum – are you a younger resident with views on how Melin works for you? This could be the group for you.
We are also keen to hear from leaseholders to join a proposed Leaseholders Group.

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