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How we are doing

At Melin we aim to continuously improve our services to tenants. We are also keen to be transparent in our performance and how we operate as a business. The documents linked below are separated into various categories:


This is Melin’s full annual Self Evaluation document. Here we set out how Melin meets all its Regulatory Performance Standard expectations.

A summarised version of our Self-evaluation.

Our annual Regulatory Judgement is published for public record following Welsh Government Housing Regulation evaluation of Melin Homes.

This policy sets out Melin’s approach to whistleblowing. It is based on good practice on whistleblowing, is independently verified and is regularly reviewed.

This document sets out proposed dates (subject to change) on Board and Committee meetings for period covered.

Our Board meet for a formal meeting every other month and have Board Learning seminars In between these meetings.


The Satisfaction of Tenants and Residents – Every year we carry out an independent review of tenant satisfaction using the STAR standard methodology. The attach document sets out the most recent survey data along with benchmark position against other Welsh Housing Associations.

This report sets out the Social Value impact of Melin’s service on tenants and the wider community. The report uses a set of agreed, verifiable metrics for calculating social value.

Every year we produce a statement on our Value for Money position. Metrics include Social Value, tenant satisfaction, Housemark benchmark returns, procurement efficiencies and… ?

The Welsh Government have a Housing Association Comparison Tool on their website. You can use the tool to find out how we perform against other housing associations.

We hope that you find the tool useful and informative, we welcome any feedback or queries regarding our performance.

This is a link to a sector wider tenant satisfaction survey commissioned by the Regulatory Board for Wales

Melin publishes an annual Gender Pay Gap report. This is monitored through the Melin Remuneration and Terms Service Committee.

Community Housing Cymru (CHC) produce an annual pay transparency report for the Welsh Housing Association sector.

  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) statement (PDF XXkb)

Our Environmental, Social and Governance statement.

Our statement relating to General Data Protection Regulations.

Equality and Diversity

This policy sets out Melin’s approach to Equality and Diversity.

Melin embarked on the Quality in Equality and Diversity Award with Tai Pawb in 2018.

This video on our YouTube channel explains our QED journey so far.