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A view to writing a book

Volunteers at Melin Homes Residents’ Panel donated £500 towards new technology that will help to make a visually impaired woman’s dreams of becoming an author come true.

Ysgrifennwyd gan Sam

29 Medi, 2015

ipad for visually impaired woman

Volunteers at Melin Homes Residents’ Panel donated £500 towards new technology that will help to make a visually impaired woman’s dreams of becoming an author come true.

Elaine Greenhill of Factory Close has been working with Melin’s Digital Inclusion Officer and Darren Williams from RNIB Cymru (Royal National Institute of Blind People)) to learn more about how an iPad can help in her day-to-day life as she deals with Multiple Sclerosis and sight loss.

The Residents’ Panel has an annual budget of around £40,000 to support residents in a number of ways and the volunteer members were keen to help. Panel Treasurer Jan Harris visited Ms Greenhill with Digital Inclusion Officer Louise Kingdon and Darren Williams from RNIB Cymru. They saw first-hand how certain iPad applications are helping Elaine deal with sight loss.

Elaine said: “I feel very, very emotional. I would like to thank Louise, The Residents’ Panel and Darren for this iPad which will make my life so much better. I really hope I can now fulfil my ambition to write a book.”
The iPad has many functions that can help people with sensory loss, such as voice over that speaks whatever the focus of the camera is on, or magnification to blow up text or images. There are many applications that mean that people with a visually impairment are not at a disadvantage.

Darren Williams said: “Elaine is a great example of how someone living with sensory loss can get online and access digital services. With the support of Melin Homes and the training from RNIB Cymru's Online Today project, Elaine has done extremely well and should be very proud of herself. Knowing where to start isn't always easy, but the Online Today team can provide information and knowledge to realise and enjoy the benefits of being online.”

If you have sight or hearing loss RNIB’s Online Today project can help. Insert line about when the next Online Today session/workshop in the local area takes place.

To get involved with Online Today, call 029 2082 8518 or email onlinetodaycymru@rnib.org.uk.

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