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Tudalen Breifatrwydd

Yn ôl i newyddion

Happy 10th Birthday to us!

In April 2007 two housing associations Eastern Valley and Gwerin merged becoming, Melin Homes. In the 10 years we have achieved so much thank you to all our residents, staff and partners!

Ysgrifennwyd gan Fiona

04 Ebr, 2017

Happy 10th Birthday to us!
In April 2007 two housing associations Eastern Valley and Gwerin merged becoming, Melin Homes. In the 10 years we have achieved so much thank you to all our residents, staff and partners!

The celebrations started with an opening speech from our CEO Paula Kennedy which can be viewed here.

If you have any fun stories or memories about Melin from the last 10 years please contact us to share.

We will be hosting a number of activities over the year for residents and stakeholders so watch this space for more information. Some key dates to put in your diary are

8th July – Party in the Park, Pontypool Park
23rd August – Zest in the Park, Pontypool Park

In 10 years we have achieved so much.
  1. We have answered around 172,500 calls
  2. Invested £130 million in building new homes
  3. We have invested over £25.5 million improving our homes
  4. Delivered £25 million in eco energy projects and £41.8 in arbed 2
  5. Invested over £182,000 in the Residents’ Panel
  6. Invested over £620,000 in training our staff
  7. Helped 380 people become homeowners
  8. Sold properties to the value of £52 million
  9. Organised over 600 events engaging with over 14,000 residents
  10. Put nearly £5 million back into residents pockets through our Money Advice team

Yn ôl i newyddion