Jan Harris elected as the new Chair of the Residents’ Panel
On 6th October, the new Residents Panel met for the first time following their AGM on 23rd September, and elected a new Chair.
Ysgrifennwyd gan Valentino
—12 Hyd, 2015

On 6th October, the new Residents Panel met for the first time following their AGM on 23rd September. At the meeting the Panel elected their new Chair, long standing member Jan Harris and confirmed that Mark Gibbons would remain as Vice Chair. The roles of Secretary and Treasurer are still open until the Panel has had an opportunity to settle in, and we will be supporting the Panel in these responsibilities in the meantime.
We also welcomed new Panel members; Clive Jenkins, Christopher Byrne and Lyndon May. This was their first meeting and they had the opportunity to look at reports from the Board outlining the main highlights of the business over the last three months as well as feed back their thoughts on current projects such as the proposed Pet Policy.
Each new member signed the Residents Panel Constitution and Standing Orders confirming their understanding of their roles and their commitment to act in the best interests of residents. We wish them the best of luck in their new roles and look forward to the continued success of the Residents' Panel.
The next Panel meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th November. You can view the latest minutes from the Residents' Panel online or get in touch via email.