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Melin Gender Pay Gap Report April 2020

Under legislation that came into force in April 2017, UK employers with more than 250 employees are required, annually, to publish their gender pay gap.

Ysgrifennwyd gan Valentino

17 Maw, 2021

Illustration of a number zero with scales

At this year’s “snapshot date” Melin employed fewer than 250 staff and we are therefore not required to publish our gender pay gap and report. However, we're so proud of it being zero we want everyone to know, as pay transparency is an important driver of equality. Our commitment to pay transparency can also be demonstrated by the publication of the CEO Pay Transparency report on our website.

A Median Gender Pay Gap of zero is really something to celebrate.

Gender pay gap is often confused with equal pay.

Equal pay is about men and woman being paid the same rate for the same work or work that is of an equal value.

The Gender Pay Gap, shows the difference in the average hourly rate of pay between women and men in an organisation, expressed as a percentage of average male earnings. Organisations follow a calculation set out by the Government Equalities Office to report their mean and median gender pay gap, bonus gap, and distribution across pay quartiles.

Our gender pay gap report is split into 3 sections

  • Melin’s gender pay gap
  • Causes of the gender pay gap
  • Next steps

For the full report please click here.

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