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Melin Works helping local man back to work

Paul from Pontypool was looking for help to find work.

Ysgrifennwyd gan Marcus

20 Hyd, 2017

Paul had been out of work for 7 years and was keen to get back into work. Paul was referred to the Melin Works team to help him find the right opportunities.

Lee from the Melin Works team was able to go through what Paul was looking to do work wise and secured a work placement here at Melin.

Lee said; “Paul was keen to build on his skills and confidence by working in an office environment which wouldn’t worsen his mobility issues. He lived close to our head office, so when the opportunity came up I thought he would be ideal.”

Paul began giving administration support to our busy Asset Management team.

“I started doing one day a week but really enjoyed the work and upped this to two days a week.” Said Paul

Paul does a wide range of administrative tasks in support of the team; filing, printing, organising visits and jobs for the team and photocopying are just some.

“The office is busy and this means I get to gain experience in a fast paced environment and pick up new skills along the way.” Said Paul.

“Seeing Paul’s progress has been brilliant to see. While the placement has been ongoing, we have been able to help write a CV and begin applying for permanent paid roles.” Said Lee.

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