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Melin Works offer opportunities across Gwent with Active Inclusion Fund

Melin Works have paid work placements available to people who live in Blaenau Gwent and other training opportunities in Monmouthshire and Torfaen as part of its Active Inclusion Fund projects

Ysgrifennwyd gan Marcus

01 Gorff, 2016

Melin Works logo

Melin Works have paid work placements available to people who live in Blaenau Gwent and other training opportunities in Monmouthshire and Torfaen as part of its Active Inclusion Fund projects. Melin Homes’ employment service wants to work with those who are long term unemployed or economically inactive and have complex barriers to employment.

Funded by the European Social Fund and the Wales Council for Voluntary Action, the Active Inclusion Fund aims to support people in overcoming barriers to work through improving skills and qualifications.

Stuart Baldwin, Head of the Melin Works team said; “We are excited to be able to offer these opportunities to people who are in need of training and paid work and improving their long term employment options. Interested people need to be long-term unemployed (12 months +) or economically inactive, aged 25+ and live in Blaenau Gwent, Monmouthshire and Torfaen.”

Interested people can contact the Melin Works team on 01495 745910 or email melinworks@melinhomes.co.uk

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