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Tudalen Breifatrwydd

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Zing for charity!

Our choir is on song for charity.

Ysgrifennwyd gan Sam

29 Medi, 2015

Zing Tenovus
Our very own choir Zing! took part in the Tenovus singathon in Cwmbran on Saturday 26th September. The choir was formed a couple of years ago following discussions in our health and wellbeing group Zest, who were looking at ways to encourage staff to lead a healthy lifestyle. Our Zingers performed a 20 minute set in a bid to help raise money for the charity. We were in great company as there were also performances from local talents such as Demi Holborn, Free Beer The Band, Soul’d As Seen, Doc and The Rev’d, Monmouthshire Community Choir, Torfaen Community Choir, Vibe Academy, Phil Jones and the Tenovus choir. We hope the event raised a lot of money for this great cause.

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